
06 July 2020

Molten salt

NRG started a new experiment within their Molten Salt Technology Program. The experiment aims to simulate what happens when the molten salt cools down to below 150 oC.

06 July 2020

The Coronavirus has a worldwide impact. The outbreak of this and the accompanying government measures lead to a situation that we have never experienced before. NRG follows developments closely and adopts the national measures that the Dutch government prescribes.

15 June 2020

Last month, the reactor in Petten had a record production and was therefore able to continue to provide 30,000 patients daily with medical isotopes. The Corona crisis has caused complications for transport and logistics and due to this the European manufacturers are now turning to NRG.

28 May 2020

Amended governance The NRG Foundation (previously: Foundation ECN) and the Foundation Preparation Pallas-reactor (PALLAS) have made an important step forward. The executive board members and the supervisory board members of both organizations will sit on the boards of both companies, via a so-called “personele unie” (a situation in which both organizations continue to exist autonomously, even if the same executive and supervisory boards govern them).

06 January 2020

The old chemical laboratory and the old materials science laboratory, of both approx. 65 x 50 metres, have been remediated and emptied radiologically, chemically and asbestos in recent months. In addition to the old laboratories, the south-facing 40-metre-high chimney is also disappearing.

15 October 2019

Nuclear Research & Consultancy Group (NRG) and McMaster University’s Nuclear Reactor (MNR) have teamed up to advance customer service to a new level

09 October 2019

Terrestrial Energy and NRG have established a graphite irradiation program that systematically analyzes IMSR graphite behavior as part of Terrestrial Energy’s comprehensive test program supporting the design of Integral Molten Salt Reactor (IMSR) and is being conducted at NRG’s facilities in the Netherlands.

17 September 2019

Molten salt

At the end of this summer we reached a historic milestone by successfully concluding an irradiation test on molten nuclear fuel salts inside the High Flux Reactor in Petten. This is the first irradiation of its kind since the research carried out in the USA in the 1960s.