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NRG heeft een radioactief platina-isotoop ontwikkeld die mogelijk kan helpen om de effectiviteit van de veel toegepaste chemotherapie met cisplatina bij kankerpatiënten of schade door dit soort behandeling kan helpen voorspellen. Binnenkort worden klinische testen bij mensen gestart om de haalbaarheid en werking van dit CISSPECT te onderzoeken.
FIELD-LAB is the incubator for new nuclear medicines. Together with partners Field-LAB Developt new nuclear medicines for personalised treatment of cancer patients.
Despite many innovative developments in nuclear medicine, bringing the nuclear end product to the physician and thus the patient, remains a long-term and (therefore) often frustrating mission. Hopefully, this will not be the case any longer, according to physicist dr. Mark Konijnenberg of the department Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Erasmus MC in Rotterdam.
As Prof. Dr. James Nagarajah, assistant professor Nuclear Medicine at Radboud University in Nijmegen addressed during his talk PSMA Guided Theranostics in Prostate Cancer at NRG at February 1, 2019, the future of prostate cancer (PCa) may be rather exciting.
The official launch of FIELD-LAB took place on February 6, 2019 in Petten. A unique collaboration to benefit a wide range of patients.
De plannen voor FIELD-LAB in Petten nemen steeds vastere vormen aan, en menigeen staat te popelen om een bijdrage aan dit bijzondere initiatief te leveren.
On the 3rd of February more than 2,6 million people in the Netherlands watch the NOS news at 8 p.m., which features an item on the growing number of cancer patients in the Netherlands
Every day, 30.000 patients benefit from medical isotopes from Petten. The NRG reactor, where the medical isotopes are irradiated, changed its fuel to low-enriched uranium in 2006.
Thanks to intensive collaboration between Curium and NRG, a complex project has been brought to a successful conclusion: the development and installation of a production process for the medical isotope Xenon-133.
Two world leading research reactors join forces to create dual supply of medical isotope iodine-125
Wat tien jaar geleden als klein experiment begon, is uitgegroeid tot een onmisbaar middel in de nucleaire geneeskunde. Dagelijks worden meer dan 30.000 patiënten behandeld. Lees meer...