NRG. Nuclear for Life.

  • Pioneering research into medicines
  • 30.000 patients a day
  • Climate neutral energy

NRG in a nutshell

More patients helped every day


Motivated employees. Every day they make the world a little better


Reactor production days for research and medicines

Nuclear. For Life. Our R&D contributes to a healthier life, in both medicine as climate-neutral energy

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Advancing Nuclear Medicine

NRG develops, radiates and ensures worldwide distribution of nuclear medicines.

We are the global market leader in producing nuclear isotopes (medical isotopes). Every day, more than 30,000 patients worldwide depend on our medical substances for their treatment. These medical isotopes are used for medical imaging techniques (PET and SPECT scans). Doctors then use them in the treatment of cancer and heart and vascular disease for example.

Advancing Nuclear Medicine

Ensuring Nuclear Performance

Safe, reliable and efficient nuclear technology.

Objective expertise. We can provide independent proof that an installation and process is in order. We guarantee nuclear top performance. Based on our knowledge and experience, we use nuclear solutions for people and the planet.

Ensuring Nuclear Performance
ROSA Blauw

Our Facilities

At the Energy & Health Campus in Petten, we have a unique combination of nuclear installations.

Nuclear Infrastructure

30,000 patients a day

Our reactor in Petten is responsible for producing 35% of all medical isotopes worldwide and for 65% in Europe. This makes our reactor in Petten the biggest producer and supplier of isotopes in the world. With the development of isotopes from Petten, we help 30,000 people a day have a better life. This might be by detecting and treating cancer or for other disorders.

Visit our website where we will be happy to tell you more. 

Research areas

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Our products and research results find their way to hospitals & laboratories and contribute to a healthier world.

We contribute to policy and research questions about our (future) climate neutral energy supply. At NRG, we also study ways to store radioactive waste. This puts us among the world's top.

By means of various studies, NRG contributes to the international development of nuclear energy. One of those studies is based on reducing natural 'fuels' such as uranium and thorium. More information about sustainable nuclear energy for the future:

A nuclear power plant, a hospital, an oil platform, research institutes: they all produce waste, which is radioactive; sometimes a lot, sometimes little. NRG develops techniques to accurately measure the radioactivity and composition of the waste. NRG is also developing ways to move radioactive waste so that it does not end up in the environment. In an efficient and safe way.**KIM DEZE VERTALING EVEN LATEN CHECKEN***

Everyone is exposed to natural radioactivity from space and the Earth. Besides this natural radiation on Earth, we also have radiation from radioactive materials, for example hospitals and nuclear reactors. To protect employees, NRG explores new types of dosimeters which analyse the amount of radiation.

Fact or Fiction

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Do you know the difference? True or False about: Nuclear Energy.

"The investment in a new nuclear power plant never outweighs the costs; the construction and maintenance of a nuclear power plant is too expensive and before it is operational there are already better alternatives available. "

"Radioactive waste is ALWAYS dangerous"

"Radioactive waste is dangerous and there is no good solution for it."

"Without nuclear energy, it is almost impossible to make the Netherlands climate neutral by 2050."

Our 700 innovative and motivated employees are working towards a cancer-free world and a climate neutral energy supply.

Latest News

06 July 2020

Molten salt

NRG started a new experiment within their Molten Salt Technology Program. The experiment aims to simulate what happens when the molten salt cools down to below 150 oC.

06 July 2020

The Coronavirus has a worldwide impact. The outbreak of this and the accompanying government measures lead to a situation that we have never experienced before. NRG follows developments closely and adopts the national measures that the Dutch government prescribes.