
More than 2200 companies worldwide rely on NRG services

How Vattenfall reduced €500.000 per cycle using NRG's fuel management software


How EDF in the UK realised 40+ years Life Time Extension working together with NRG

Kwalification of the first wall panels for ITER: the largest and most powerful fusion device in the world

A few of our success stories

21 December 2020

28 July 2020

Fuel creep irradiations for Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactors: How the BLACKSTONE programme realised more than 40 years lifetime extension for EDF.

27 July 2020

How we reduced operating costs for Vattenfall with €500,000 per cycle.

15 July 2020

In 2015 NRG started together with the European Joint Research Centre (JRC) in Karlsruhe a series of nuclear fuel irradiation experiments to support the development of Molten Salt Reactor technology.

02 July 2020

In 2016 NRG concluded the first part on the Qualification of the ITER First Wall Assemblies, the second part is conducted at the premises of project partner Forsungzentrum Juelich in 2018.

29 June 2020

High Temperature Reactors are known for their high efficiency due to the high temperature and for being 'inherently safe’. Meaning that they can never have a core meltdown. The most important reason for this safety performance? The unique fuel that is used. Learn how NRG helped the Chinese Tsinghua University with their fuels.

27 May 2020

NRG helped EPZ / Borssele and Ringhals to set up and go through a long term operation process. IAEA safety guideline 57 has been used as a basis for EPZ / Borssele in the Netherlands. The experience gained during the process in Borssele was then applied at Ringhals in Sweden. Read more on how both processes led to regulator approval.

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